The County’s Planning and Building Department seeks consultant services to support the creation of a collaborative Midcoastside Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan (Plan) for the unincorporated Midcoast and City of Half Moon Bay. The project will engage the public and relevant agencies/organizations; examine best practices for similar land use and geographic contexts; and use analysis to understand demand and the current policy context. The resulting recommendations will identify policy solutions, including guidance about how to apply the San Mateo County City/County Association of Governments’ TDM Policy to the midcoast context, and parking management strategies; programs and marketing strategies; supportive transit/micromobility/first-last mile services; and institutional and evaluation strategies. The resulting Plan will be considered for approval by both the County of San Mateo and the City of Half Moon Bay. This project in part is funded through a San Mateo County Transportation Authority Alternative Congestion Relief/Transportation Demand Management Grant.
Find the Request for Proposals (RFP) attached below. Deadline to apply: November 16, 2022 at 3:00 p.m PST.